My life may have it’s challenges, but it never needs to be empty.
The power of the Resurrection means nothing but the tomb was meant to be empty.
With Paul I can say “by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not without effect.”
“Without effect” in Greek is kenos, meaning: Empty, vain, ineffective, useless. Empty, lacking content, or hollow.
God’s grace is not that.
No, instead, God has the grace to fill every empty and void place in my life with redemption.
All the failures and sin I see in and around my life that could discourage, instead make space for grace.
Drawn from Session One of Beth Moore’s James: Mercy Triumphs
Amen. How ironic that I try everything I can to squelch the need for grace in my life…beautiful post!
ooh, I like that – instead of emptiness, it’s “space for grace.” need to chew on that.