I met Christie when we were both contributors over at Pick Your Portion. Her writing stood out, stirring and beautiful. I started following her personal blog. Then her Instagram. Then I discovered she lived an easy hour’s drive away from me.
That sealed the deal. We had to meet.
Christie generously invited me over to her lovely farmhouse for homemade pizza on a Friday night. It was lovely to make a personal connection with another writer-soul: to talk books, writing, God, and gardens.
Today I’m honored to be sharing my advent thoughts over at her blog today, which has been hosting a month-long advent series.
This is what has been rattling around in my mind the past month of expecting in the month of the ultimate Expectation:
Joy to the World! The Lord is come; Let earth receive her king; Let every heart prepare him room, And heaven and nature sing…”
The song is so familiar that I barely notice the lyrics. I stream it from iTunes while making dinner. But suddenly these words cause me to pause:
Let every heart prepare him room.
This December I am great with child.
My belly is swollen with a child that thumps and kicks and pulsates life. Three weeks out from the due date we are preparing room. The crib is set up; the clothes are washed and stacked in neat rows in a freshly painted white dresser. I’ve been here before. The preparing and waiting. The waiting and preparing.
Continue reading over at christiepurifoy.com
(Image credit: Kelli Campbell from The Zinnia Patch)
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