Does anyone else struggle with materialism the most during this season of thankfulness? Ironic, isn’t it? I wrote this article last week for For the Family and I wonder if any of you find this season a similar temptation?
They’re filling my mailbox. Holiday catalogs bursting with items I suddenly find myself unable to live without. I flip through glossy pages displaying cozy pillows on soft leather couches. I eye my own worn slipcovered couch with aversion. Ironically, the cover of the latest catalog to be stuffed into my mailbox proclaims in classy cursive script: “Give thanks!”
I feel like I could give thanks better if my house looked as nice as those between Pottery Barn’s pages.
I am an artist at my core. I appreciate beauty, the perfectly arranged mantel, and the play between textures and colors. I love to nurture beauty in my everyday life with cut flowers and lit candles.
However, there is an ugly side to my love of beauty, order, and organization.
Materialism and discontentment.
Jean Wise
great quote and reminder!
Ann Kroeker
I was on the phone with a family member the other day who spend about 20 minutes complaining and grumbling. I offered a few solutions to the problems presented, but my ideas were quickly dismissed. Honestly, I felt like this person enjoys grumbling–if I helped solve the problems, what would be left to grumble about? Is it possible for someone to find grumbling an empowering, invigorating, positive experience?
Trouble is, even if grumbling doesn’t drain the grumbler, it certainly drains everyone who is stuck listening to him.
Yes, Anne, it is draining for sure to the one listening if nothing else.