“The counting of all blessings is ultimately summed up in One. All gratitude is ultimately gratitude for Christ, all remembering a remembrance of Him. For in Him all things were created, are sustained, have their being. Thus Christ is all there is to give thanks for; Christ is all there is to remember. To know how we can count on God, we count graces, but ultimately there is only One.” -Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts
I’ve been steeping myself this Lenten season in Christ and what His work on the cross means to me. And I’m thankful for each of the following ways I’m discovered I can keep a “remembrance of Him” as we approach Easter.
203. Listening: Everyday I tune into Revive Our Hearts’ podcast and the 40 day The Incomparable Christ series. Each day a different aspect of Christ is taught. I’m finding aspects I’ve never considered before.
204. Reading: Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross compiled by Nancy Guthrie. Containing short readings designed to contemplate “all that the cross means” so that I don’t just rush into Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday without giving any thought to what it means.
205. Memorizing: Colossians 1. I took on memorizing the whole book of Colossians in a year in January. I’m a couple of weeks behind, but am loving meditating on Scripture. After many years of struggling with consistent Scripture memory, I’m so happy to be going strong. And I’m not doing it just to check something off my list. It truly has been so personally beneficial to me. And Colossians 1 has been perfect to contemplate during this time of concentrated focus on Christ’s sacrifice.
206. Devotional: I downloaded, printed and compiled this devotional from A Holy Experience to enrich our time together as a family. The boys are loving putting the scenes from the Bible on the dogwood tree branches we cut and brought into the dining room. Another resource for devotional times that I used last year is Noel Piper’s Lenten Lights that you can print out for free from Desiring God’s website.
How are you marking this Lenten season and preparing your heart for Easter’s celebration?
Briana Almengor
I wish I could say I was preparing my heart for Easter.I confessed to LA today that I’ve lacked consistency in pursuing the Lord via His Word, set aside times or prayer, etc. and I’m feeling (as are all those around me) feeling its effect. Would appreciate your prayer. As Toby said today, I’m asking the Lord to re-order my priorities so that I will set aside more time to immerse myself in His truth and be in His presence.
I’m with Briana. I’m truly inspired (and convicted) by your example in this area.
Don’t be that impressed. 🙂
amanda {the habit of being}
we are doing that same devotional from A Holy Experience and the kids are really enjoying it.
We are doing the same thing. Along with the lighted candle wreath (bday present from my momma) and the kids are loving it.
I also got the Walter Wangerin Reliving the Passsion for myself to read (I have read it some to Seth too and he has enjoyed it). I am really liking that book. It is amazing….
This is the first year I’ve observed Lent. Joel and I gave up all TV in the evenings and we are listening the the Revive Our Hearts podcast instead. We also got the book The Incomparable Christ but unfortunately I haven’t been keeping pace with the reading. We’re really enjoying the broadcasts! {but confess I’m looking forward to watching the second half of the two-part Criminal Minds episode which aired on Ash Wednesday}