It’s the age of the beginning of true boyhood. When the chubbiness that still clung to toddlerhood, preschool, and kindergarten is finally shed. Six is long, lean, and sturdy-limbed. It is tall, gap-toothed, and and ever-hungry. It is inquisitive, creative, imaginative, and risk-taking.
It seems just yesterday my boys were born, thrusting me into motherhood. I didn’t know how I’d take care of two babies. I was still in denial that we were even having one baby when we got the news we were having two. Shocked. You know, it’s interesting that I have no memory of sharing the news with friends and family we were expecting a baby. I only remember sharing that we were expecting twins.
I was slow to embrace motherhood. My early days of non-stop nursing were plagued with sleep-deprived daydreams of my life before they came. Of when I used to have an hour to read on the bus, sit and work quietly at the computer while drinking coffee and listening to Pandora. I wasn’t really into sitting on the couch, staring at a blank wall while two babies fed. It seemed to never end.
But it did. Far too fast.
Because now they are six.
Mother’s Day, 2013
Those early days were hard, weren’t they? 🙂 But we survived and now yours are 6 and mine are 9 and soon it’ll be 16 and we’ll be having to teach them to drive. Oh my!Enjoy today and the amazing gifts God’s given you in Duncan and Owen! Happy Bday, boys!!!!
SIX! I can hardly believe our boys are so old this summer. I’ve got until August 🙂 I can’t honestly say I mourn or “it’s going too fast” though, really. Five has been my favorite age so far; I’ve enjoyed it much more than the earlier years. I have regrets about how I have squandered the time, for sure, about the mother I have not been…but still, I don’t wish for the infant/toddler years again. Give me a six-year-old over a newborn any day!