All over blogosphere people are writing about their new year goals. I wasn’t going to join in, however, a couple of people have asked me what mine are, so what the heck!
Goal writing has been something I’ve done since a teenager, because I tend towards being what Emily Freeman calls a “good girl.”
First, a recap on last year’s goals . . .
Focus on memorizing large portions of scripture: See article below for more on that.
Spend one-week finishing decorating projects: Done. You got to see the result in this post.
Write a book proposal on With Child: Meditations on the Meaning of Motherhood and/or Brown Eyes: I picked Brown Eyes and polished it and sent it to various publishers and agents. Nothing developed as far as that goes and I’m going tow work on developing more books to create a series and try again (see below, it’s a goal for this year).
Continue growing in technical and creative aspects of photography and pursue developing my business: Last year was my best year thus far for Danielle Jones Photography. I focused on growing my sales and offering more products.
Do a “Our Life” series posting one photo a week: This didn’t even get off the ground. Didn’t happen, unless you want to count an occasional post joining in with Soule Mama’s This Moment.
Finish 2010 Blurb Book: Done.
Date nights once a month with Josh and each of the boys: Not really. Sporadic at best.
Start a regular workout routine: Not so much. This has never been much of problem for me until having Sophia. But having a hard time this time around getting anything more than once a week, at the most.
Have boys finish learning numbers 1-20, alphabet, and portions of scripture: We’ve been pretty faithful in this area, starting a new routine this past fall to helped in this area.
So now onto this year. Drum roll please . . . .
2012 New Year Goals:
- Continue memorizing large portions of scripture (Just want to remind myself to keep doing what I’ve been doing).
- Writing goal: write a blog post once a week.
- Personal photo project: 12 in 12 (one family picture a month, inspired by this post).
- Revamp backend of photography process: website, blog, Lightroom presets to speed up processing, credit card payments on website (goal for January).
- Revamp visual branding of Danielle Jones Photography (goal for January).
- Writing goal: publish something in Thriving Family broadening my article writing venues.
- Writing goal: write two more children’s book to add to Brown Eyes to create a series (Summer Project).
- Create more one-on-one time with each of the boys.
- Start a regular workout routine, 2x a week.
So that’s it. I’ve already set things in place on my calendar to start meeting some of these goals. My main focus will be the photography goals for this month and exercising twice a week.
How about you? Do you set yearly or monthly goals? What are they and how do you decide to put them into place?
I am consistently challenged by your discipline and focus! Thanks for your example in this way. Maybe you can find a workout buddy to help with those workouts..walk the trail or trade kids for an hour each twice a week to do a video at home…Just a thought.
The problem has been WHEN to exercise. Mornings have been “school” with kids and Sophia napping. I can’t do a video when she sleeps (too loud) or awake (crawls all over me). Since everything is one level and our house is like a tin can, doing videos only work at night, when I’m most depleted. BUT, I did it Tuesday night and will try my best to work out tonight!
I decided to make monthly goals as well as broad goals. Monthly include reading one fiction and one spiritual book a month; completing one craft project. Broad goals are getting up early again, and journaling more consistently. I dont normally make New Year’s goals, but felt it would be wise given we’re facing some changes in lifestyle 😉
Jean Wise
I set yearly goals , then break them down into quarters. w/hen I plan each week I look at this quarters list. I used to kick myself for not being perfect and completing all of them but am much more gentle with myself now. Figured at least I have things I am aiming at even though I make not make them all, some progress is better than no progress.
Bravo for all you DID complete, Danielle! And these goals are quite ambitious and inspiring. I think I’m too afraid of rejection to try publishing anything I’ve written.
I have tagged you. 😉
Baby by the Sea
sounds like we have similar writing goals, and I’m vowing to write even if it isn’t the ‘right’ time.
Sarah M.
You both inspire and amaze me. I wonder how you get it all done with three little ones, but then it’s all a matter of priorities and you seem to have a good routine down. Good luck with 2012! May it be successful!
For me, it’s all about naptime. If that didn’t happen, half of this wouldn’t happen either!! 🙂