You all know I love goals! Last year I posted my goals for 2012 and here’s the reveal: where I failed and where I was successful. Goals help me think through my year and I don’t feel bad if I didn’t reach each one. They are something to aim for and it helps me think of areas I want to concentrate growing in. So without further ado . . .
2012 New Year Goals:
- Continue memorizing large portions of scripture (Just want to remind myself to keep doing what I’ve been doing).
Pretty much failed at this. I tried James 1 but it was rough going and I eventually gave up. The good thing is I did constantly review passages I previously memorized, so they’re pretty cemented in my brain. - Writing goal: write a blog post once a week.
Yes, I was pretty good at this. I wanted to get back into blogging more regularly and I carved out one day a week to set aside time to blog and sometimes I was able to get multiple posts done that day.
- Personal photo project: 12 in 12 (one family picture a month, inspired by this post).
Yes and no. I did not successfully capture each month. However, I have more family shots than ever before, so that was a success, even if some months were missed.
- Revamp backend of photography process: website, blog, Lightroom presets to speed up processing, (goal for January).
Yep. Got everything where I wanted it.
- Revamp visual branding of Danielle Jones Photography (goal for January).
- Writing goal: publish something in Thriving Family and (in)courage, broadening my article writing venues.
Thriving Family published a short piece I wrote and although I submitted to (in)courage, I did not hear from them.
- Writing goal: put together a book proposal (Summer Project).
Not quite. I did reread and rework all of my work on With Child. I got good feed back from it when it was used by a friend to help mentor new moms.
- Create more one-on-one time with each of the boys.
Kind of. I tried to take on child at a time with me whenever Josh was home. Even if I was just running errands, concentrating/talking with one child at a time made the time more special.
- Start a regular workout routine, 2x a week.
Ugh. Not doing well in this department. More like 1 time a week. Ever since having Sophia I’ve struggled with this and something needs to change!
Now, for next year’s goals . . .
You’ve done very well. Congratulations!