“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. . . . It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” -Melody Beattie, American author
I missed last week’s gratitude post, but am glad to be back this week! There’s so much to be thankful for . . .
71. Josh got a pellet stove installed. This should be our main source of heat this winter, instead of oil!
72. Finished Tortured for Christ, which made me so thankful for our religious freedom in this country. Hard to fathom such atrocities occurred but 60 years ago . . . and still are going on in other countries.
73. Getting a new hair cut and my mom being able to watch all the kids for me.
74. Taking a walk with my friend Robin.
75. That Duncan and Owen like so much to “work” with daddy.
76. Creamy risotto. (Omitted the saffron and just sprinkled the butternut squash with thyme and rosemary while roasting.)
77. A great phone conversation with a long-time and long-distant friend.
78. Reading Naming the Child: Hope-filled reflections on Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Death. Sensitive and exquisitely written, it is indeed hope-filled and not depressing, despite the sad topic. I’ve been blessed not to experience miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death, however, it helps me know how to connect with others who have.
79. Enjoying sunny and leaf laden autumn days with all three of my kids.
80. The joy and delight of God’s Word.
amanda {the habit of being}
love the photo! and two cheers for a haircut while your mom watched the kids! nothing like a haircut for a little pick-me-up 🙂